Words are way too random. You can choose categories but there is no sense as to where youre going, even on easy mode. For example, category "all words" and you get a 10 letter word...where do you start with no hints?
Words are way too random. You can choose categories but there is no sense as to where youre going, even on easy mode. For example, category "all words" and you get a 10 letter word...where do you start with no hints?
Not that I am, but those sensitized to suicide may find the logo incredibly troubling.
I love this game. It is hard but I really do like this. Im not just saying that. I do like it.
It needs more hints. Even in easy mode it was pretty hard because it didnt give any hints. But Im kind of glad for the detailed hangman because its gives you more chances to figure out what the word is.
I now hate this game because young little boy hung his self doing a challenge "hangman" and something else and he hung his self
Grow up
I am a child who struggles with severe depression and anxiety and just by the look of the logo I am disgusted. it makes me feel very uneasy. not a good idea for the noose. maybe try a stick man?
I love this game tho the words are very hard to guess without many hints. I will say... To people being overly sensitive about the logo. Read up on it, hangman, is an ooooooold game and you need to grow up. Death, hanging, suicide are all real and pretending like they are not isnt going to protect anybody from seeing or experiencing it. Grow up or get off the internet
Opened to a white screen. Never was able to play
Can anyone play it?
If I had a dollar for every white man I sold into slavery, Id have a hangman
It is very fun and challenging and addictive I would recommend to try it with friends
I saw the noise and immediately thought "Oh sick an app to help me end my misery!" but then I downloaded the app only for it to be the game hangman. Was really disappointed and hangman is for nerds.
I thought this was going to be an app showing me how to tie off my balls with a noose to make them swell up so I could hit them with a rubber mallet while I listen to Kanye West. VERY disappointed that its a game where I have to guess a word, what is this? The 1800s?? ... I give it 5 stars!!!
Wow, I cant believe im reading several reviews about the icon. Before u comment about the "icon" and ur suicidal depression, make sure u research first. This is an old game! This was invented even before apps & gadgets were born. Stupidity at its best. How ironic that this got more bashing about suicide than the book "me before u". It was made into movie when it was clearly about letting people suicide & nobody even batted an eye.
Fun Classic with a modern update. Good Stuff
Thank you for letting me know how to kill time like I want to do with myself! ✌️ Allahu Ackbar my edgy friends!
1/10 wouldnt pla agin. so bed I cri. rathr wach Tu ours of justen beebur.
Great game but Im not complaining its just that anytime someone looks at the logo they call me suicidal so can you maybe change it
Perfect game for my dad!